Bentley McBentleson Death And Obituary: How Did He Die? boston news

Bentley McBentleson Death: A resident of Louisville, Kentucky and aged 39, passed away on April 2, 2023, which is unfortunate news.

As we remember the legacy of one of America’s finest Digital directors, we shall let him rest easy and share our heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones.

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Bentley Mcbentleson Death: How Did The Digital Director Die?

Bentley was a skilled digital marketing specialist with 10+ years of experience in e-commerce, customer retention, social media, CRM, email marketing, and digital advertising.

He was a resident of Louisville, Kentucky. He was loved by every peer, relative, and family member, and the news of his death on April 2, 2023, left a deep scar on everyone who got the opportunity to meet him.

His family members have not publicly disclosed Bentley Mcbentleson Death Cause, and we request you let his grieving family have some privacy.

Bentley McBentleson DeathBentley McBentleson Death and Obituary (Source: Facebook)

A month ago, Bentley posted on his Facebook that he was attending “Let’s Get Trivial” Trivia at Shipping Port Brewing Company. He also used to do live streaming, eat his lunch, and talk to his friends on Facebook.

Bentley Mcbentleson Death was likely sudden and tragic as there were no indications of long-term illness. However, we cannot be sure as the Digital Director might’ve opted not to remain vocal about it (if he had any).

We will update you as soon as a family member of Bentley provides us an update about the cause of his untimely passing. 

Bentley Mcbentleson Obituary 

Bentley Mcbentleson (nee Chris) was born on November 23, 1983, as the son of Elizabeth Bentley.

He went to the School of Visual Arts, New York, to complete his higher education and obtain a bachelor’s degree in fine arts (majoring in Film and Video) in 2009.

Immediately upon graduating, Bentley grabbed a job at Maslansky+, where he worked as Media and Technology Manager from 2010 to 2016.

After a solid grasp of working experience, he stumbled upon an excellent opportunity to work as the Digital Marketing Manager at KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken).

Bentley McBentleson DeathBentley was an outgoing person who loved helping his friends (Source: Facebook)

After three years at KFC, he went to Longhorn Steakhouse, worked as Social Media Marketing Manager for a year, and later hopped into a full-time job at Long John Silver’s LLC as a Director of Marketing.

An extremely beautifully written and heart-touching obituary was given by one of his friends, who got their second job via Bentley in Reddit. Click here to read!

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Legacy of Bentley Mcbentleson

Bentley McBentleson stood second to none regarding marketing strategies and community involvement.

Bentley McBentleson was responsible for the popular online sensation a few years ago, revealing that KFC followed a recipe consisting of 11 herbs and spices.

Moreover, he managed to launch a KFC sandwich to the outer limits of the earth’s atmosphere.

Even before working in the Company’s marketing department, he had a KFC tattoo and legally changed his name to Bentley McBentleson. 

Bentley was a co-host of Nerd Nite Louisville (it’s like Ted Talk but with more beer) and an avid fan of hosting and playing trivia games.

Bentley McBentleson DeathBentley McBentleson loved his pets (Source: Facebook)

Louisville was dear to him, as were his family, girlfriend, friends, and beloved pets.

He was passionate about cycling, building bicycles, making people feel welcome, seeing progress in his House and life, and being a nerd.

Many of Bentley’s friends, relatives, and colleagues went to their social media to present their heartfelt condolences to Bentley’s family and a departing tribute to the digital marketing veteran.

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