Jayne Mansfield Accident Autopsy: What Killed The Actress? boston news

The Jayne Mansfield Accident Autopsy revealed that she was under the influence of alcohol and barbiturates at the time of the accident.

Jayne Mansfield was an American Actress and singer who rose to fame in the 1950s and 1960s. She was born in Pennsylvania in 1933 and began her career as a nightclub performer before transitioning to film and television.

The death of Hollywood starlet Jayne Mansfield has been the subject of rumors and speculation for decades. However, an autopsy revealed the cause of her death due to severe head trauma sustained in the crash.

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Jayne Mansfield Accident Autopsy

After the tragic accident that took Jayne Mansfield’s life, her body was taken to a local funeral home in Louisiana. There, an autopsy was performed to determine the cause of her death.

The autopsy revealed that the blonde bombshell had died from craniocerebral injuries due to severe head trauma she sustained in the crash. The medical examiner also noted that Mansfield was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the accident.

Similarly, her head had struck the car’s dashboard with tremendous force. Despite the autopsy’s findings, rumors and speculation about the actual cause of Mansfield’s death persisted for many years.

Jayne Mansfield Accident AutopsyThe Jayne Mansfield Accident Autopsy revealed that she was under the influence of alcohol and barbiturates at the time of the accident. (Source: MSN)

Some people believed that she had been decapitated in the accident. In contrast, others claimed that she had been killed instantly by a curse placed upon her by the Church of Satan, with whom she had reportedly been associated.

However, Mansfield’s injuries were severe but not fatal on impact. Her death was likely the result of a combination of factors, including the high speed at which the car was traveling and the fact that she was not wearing a seatbelt.

Mansfield was sitting in the car’s front passenger seat, which was the most dangerous position, especially given the design of the car’s dashboard.

What Killed Actress Jayne Mansfield?

In addition to the injuries that led to her death, the autopsy of Jayne Mansfield also revealed that she had been under the influence of alcohol and barbiturates at the time of the accident.

Mansfield’s blood alcohol level was measured at 0.17%, more than twice the legal limit in most states. She also had a significant amount of the barbiturate drug chloral hydrate in her system, which can cause drowsiness and impaired judgment.

Her companion in the car, Samuel S. Brody, also had alcohol and barbiturates in his system at the time of the accident. His blood alcohol level was measured at 0.14%, and he had a significant amount of the barbiturate drug secobarbital in his system.

Jayne Mansfield Accident AutopsyJayne Mansfield was an American Actress and singer who rose to fame in the 1950s and 1960s. (Source: TCM)

The combination of alcohol and barbiturates likely impaired their ability to react to the sudden appearance of the trailer truck on the dark road. It is unclear why they were under the influence of these substances at the time of the accident.

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Some have speculated that they were celebrating the success of Mansfield’s nightclub engagement in Biloxi. In contrast, others have suggested that they were using drugs to cope with personal problems or to combat the effects of jet lag.

In the years since her death, Jayne has become a cultural icon, known for her beauty, glamorous lifestyle, and tragic end. Her death in the car accident on Route 90 in Louisiana has become a cautionary tale about the dangers of drinking and driving.

Mansfield’s legacy as an Actress has endured, and she remains a beloved figure in Hollywood history.

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