Zander Lyda Obituary, April Lyda Tulsa Daughter, 12 Year Old boston news

Zander Lyda Obituary: 12-Year-Old Girl Fatally Stabs Her 9-Year-Old Brother.

A juvenile facility has taken custody of a 12-year-old girl who was responsible for fatally stabbing her 9-year-old brother, according to Police.

The incident occurred Thursday in a St. Thomas Square community residence south of downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The Tulsa Police stated on Friday that the parent of the children was asleep upstairs when the 12-year-old daughter woke them up to inform them about the stabbing.

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Zander Lyda Obituary, April Lyda Tulsa Daughter, 12 Year Old Stabs Brother

In a tragic incident, a 9-year-old boy, Zander Lyda, lost his life due to a fatal stabbing by his sister.

The stabbing occurred shortly before midnight on Thursday at their residence in the St. Thomas Square community in downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Authorities were alerted to the distressing event and provided details in a statement released on Friday.

According to the Police, the children’s parent was asleep upstairs when the 12-year-old daughter woke them up to inform them about the stabbing.

Zander Lyda Obituary In a tragic incident, a 9-year-old boy, Zander Lyda, lost his life due to a fatal stabbing by his sister (Source: Ecapitalhouse)

City firefighters and emergency medical technicians immediately administered CPR and transported the boy to a hospital.

Despite undergoing surgery, he succumbed to his injuries at approximately 2:30 am on Saturday, as reported by the Police.

Following the incident, the 12-year-old girl was taken into custody at Tulsa’s Family Center for Juvenile Justice and remained there until Friday, according to the Police.

In the recorded footage, the 12-year-old girl, with her hands restrained by handcuffs, eventually guides the Police to the knife used in the attack. She explains that she threw the knife out of her second-story window after she finished.

April Lyda reappears in the doorway and raises her hands in despair, asking her daughter, “Did you use a knife?”

In response, the 12-year-old girl shouts, expressing deep remorse, “I’m so sorry, momma. I’m so sorry; I don’t know what happened.”

Then Zander’s mother cries, saying, “I have to go with him.” Once again, the girl apologizes, looking up at the officer who has her in custody.

She says, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know what happened.”

The specific allegations surrounding her detention have not been disclosed, and it is unclear whether the girl has obtained legal representation for the case.

Doug and Jenni Anthamatten Organized a Fundraiser In Support Of April Lyda

In heartfelt words shared on the fundraiser, Jennifer Anthamatten, a close family friend, provides insight into both children.

She describes April Lyda’s daughter as a well-behaved child without any previous behavioral issues. Jennifer depicts Zander, April’s son, as an incredibly kind-hearted boy with a radiant smile.

Zander enjoyed bike riding, playing Fortnite, and spending time with his best friend.

He cherished moments with his mom, dad, and grandma, relished family trips, and fonded places like Sky Zone, Incredible Pizza, and the children’s museum.

Zander Lyda Obituary In heartfelt words shared on the fundraiser, Jennifer Anthamatten, a close family friend, provides insight into both children (Source: GoFundMe)

Jennifer further reveals Zander’s favorite foods, including cheese pizza, tacos, and chocolate ice cream.

Zander was an exceptional son, always obedient and eager to make his mom proud. He held a deep affection for his sister and brother, and his absence is acutely felt every second of every day.

Per GoFundMe, April is a strong, independent person who cares for her 3-year-old son alone. She is facing difficulties because of unexpected expenses after the terrible and unexplainable incident.

The GoFundMe Campaign has garnered $5,709, a significant contribution towards the targeted goal of $15,000.

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April Lyda Clears Doubts Of her Daughter Being Mentally Ill

The news about a twelve-year stabbing her brother to death couldn’t be more shocking than it already is. It is astonishing what could have occurred between the siblings, resulting in the death of one of them.

Zander’s death has raised many questions and speculations about his sister’s behavior and mental health. The footage of the aftermath of the incident which showed the young lady spotting cuts on her arms has also raised many speculations.

In response to all those questions, the kids’ mom, April Lyda, has come forward with her set of answers. She clarified that her daughter didn’t have behavioral issues and wasn’t on psych meds.

April claims that her little girl is mentally sane and has never been diagnosed with anything. Similarly, talking about the children’s relationship, she shared how they had a loving sister-brother bond and never physically hurt one another on purpose.

Addressing people’s speculations about the 12-year-old being a cutter, she vehemently denied the accusations. She revealed that the cuts were old wounds from when the young girl was put on meds.

Zander Lyda MotherZander Lyda’s mother, April Lyda, clarified her daughter doesn’t have mental issues (Source: KRDO)

Lyda also talked about her feelings and emotions toward her daughter. She mentions that she still loves and supports her daughter; however, she is aware that they both need healing before moving forward from the incident.

She also understands this is something the mom-daughter duo needs before they can ever live together again. Regarding her child’s situation, April shared that she would get mental and emotional help. The legal consequences of the crime have also yet to be disclosed.

Besides these, Lyda expressed how she feels she has disappointed her kids and failed as a mother. She was apologetic about how she couldn’t protect Zander. Finally, April expressed thankfulness for the donations.

The murder case of Zander Lyda is a sensitive matter, as it involves a homicide by a minor. It is not known what happened and what caused the unfolding of such a tragic event.

However, one must never assume stuff and create stories out of their speculations regarding the case. Also, spreading rumors about the young girl’s mental health and state is disrespectful.

Hoping to get more closure on the case in the future.

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